Monday, September 20, 2010


Last week we picked 55 pounds of peaches. We certainly can't eat them fast enough so we froze a few last week and tonight canned another 8 jars. Nothing like eating your own canned peaches in the middle of a February snow storm. It is the culinary analog of cutting wood. You put out the effort in September and enjoy the product all winter long.

Our new jet engine to heat the canning water. Note all the matches it took me to get the dumb thing going.
Watch the thumbs!
Prep work

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Trip Way Back in Time

Last month we visited Colonial Wiliamsburg and had so much fun in 1776 that we decided to travel back to 1140 and see how the Ancestral Puebloans lived during their hayday. This year Mesa Verde NP offered a few longer ranger led hikes to different parts of the park. We decided to visit Spring House ruin in Wikiup Canyon.

This was a fantastic experience. The ranger not only knew his history but knew how to entertain a group for a day long hike (not the easiest thing to do). I would recommend this experience to anyone that can hike 9-10 miles with a bit of elevation gain. And we all earned our junior ranger badges.

The trail we used was created by the CCC and was used by park visitors until the resource was so damaged that the back country was closed. Hence the opening of the resource but with park service employees in charge.
As always when traveling in the American Southwest, ladders help gain access to some steeper terrain...and they are fun to use.
A ruin along the route.
Spring House! This ruin has not been stabilized. The spring that created the alcove is still flowing and most of the visible masonry is original.
Just to remind us that we were traveling in the back country. The rattle snake with full on rattle. I am guessing he did not like us interrupting his meal of field mouse.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Proud New Junior Ranger!

While on a Ranger led backcountry hike in Mesa Verde National Park, I answered a really, really hard question (!) and I earned my Junior Ranger Badge. I will treasure it for a really long time, or until it breaks, whichever comes first.