The past few weeks have been taken up with finishing up our not-so-little projects. The big items on our list is the bathroom remodel and putting electricity out to the green house.
We took the old bathtub and shower out. The colors behind the tub are for comparisons. The square above the colors is now a window.
Fran does anything in the house that requires skill and talent. Here she is starting the tile work. Notice the new window!
While Fran tiled, I painted the corner. You can see the green behind Fran. This used to be a shower but will now be a storage area. the shower will be part and parcel with the tub. Notice the skill and finesse in putting tile on the wall.
The last wall was just the perfect chair height. Fran is sitting in the tub, "buttering" each tile before sticking them on the wall. My part in all this was to cut the tile to her specifications.
Hopefully soon the tile will have grout, the faucet and control knobs will be connected and the construction materials will be out of our bathroom...more pictures to follow. Hopefully soon.