Friday, June 17, 2011

The 2011 petroglyph tour

As usual we left the day after school got out for our Southwest camping expedition. Last summer the emphasis was on mountain biking; this summer our focus was on the ancient ones of the four corners.

I am not sure if the bullet holes add anything of value to these ancient petroglyphs. We saw these on our first day in teh canyons.
Yes, the temperature shows 113 degrees F. But at least it is a dry heat. We chose a canyon that still had water running in the creek and we took advantage.
Cliff dwellings
a reverse hand print
Cooling off
Big horn sheep on a stick
A thinking lizard man
The middle part of the trip was a float down the San Juan River. What a fun way to do archeology...and of course study the geology.
An ancient baseball fan
After floating, we continued our explorations by backpack. We hiked 8.5 miles down the wash to Keet Seel in the Navajo NM.
A turkey pictograph
Keet Seel
More big horn petroglyphs.
The last part of the adventure was spent in the slot canyons of the Paria drainage. Wow!