During the summer of 2010, we decided to go back to the year 1776 and see what was happening on the east coast of North America. For our trip to DC during the August recess we decided against a visit to the monuments and we trained our way down to Williamsburg VA. It was an excellent way to remember why and how our country was founded.
Our tour guide to the 18th Century. He took us around the Governors Palace as Williamsburg was the Colonial Capital for Virginia.
Katie discussing the goings on with some of the locals. They kept in character and explained to us what was happening right before the Declaration of Independence was signed.The continental army on maneuvers.
Katie in character
The border between then and now
Even the rest rooms were in character, although the running water was probably not authentic 18th century
General Washington explaining why the American Revolution
Fran in court with her newly appointed apprentice.