Sunday, January 25, 2009

weekend project

The last time we met you probably thought all we did was ski or snow shoe on weekends...and that is mostly true. Sometimes we hike and bike and camp too.

This weekend was spent sprucing up the house. Last warm weather had definitely taken the powder out of the snow and the weather this weekend looked wet so we decided to paint one of the few white rooms left. Our guest room was still the blaring snow white that all the rooms looked like when we bought the house. Since we have mostly "outdoor" pictures in this room we decide to go with the "grass cloth-green" that looked good with images of Sleeping Ute, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, "The Thorne" and Pico de Orizaba.We threw blankets on the furniture, cleaned and taped the walls. And, in one short day the room was painted
the carpet cleaned, the
 tape was de-taped and the pictures hung back with care. The computer is set back up and we are ready to hit the work week again! The mountains are receiving snow as I type this, so I hope next weekend will be back to normal with a ski on saturday and a snow shoe on Sunday (or perhaps the other way around)

The artist resting after a hard painting day. Oh ya, we also took a 8.5 mile urban-rural hike around central Montrose this afternoon. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

High Country Blue Sky Day

The Colorado Rockies had another fantastic weekend. The ridge of high pressure has made the outdoor recreation fun, even though the snow conditions deteriorate by the hour. The temperature at our high point was about 40 degrees, there was no wind at all and a cloudless sky. Sun burn was a definite possibility. 

We spent Monday snowshoeing up to the base of Brown Mt. at an elevation of about 11,700 feet. The next time you aren't sure of where to set your stair master, try the Brown Mt. setting. I guarantee a good workout. 

The lower slopes had crusty snow but up on top, it was still very dry crystals and a pleasure to break trail. We looped around here, ate lunch and then headed down to the car, 2000 feet below. 

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Beautiful ski

Today was spent skiing near Lizard Head Pass. The sky was that Colorado blue, the temperatures warmer than they should be (its a cycle...right?) making the snow a little less than perfect. However, you can't fault the view, in any direction. 

We started at 
the top of the pass, skied down the Gallop
ing Goose Trail to the Trout Lake Trestle, turned uphill towards Hope Lake Pass and skied all day, which translates to 10.5 miles round trip. A fun way to get tired.

Sunday, January 11, 2009